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Unsere Partnerstiftungen

Unsere Partnerstiftungen

Zusammenarbeit mit Stiftungen

Bei Motorsport Tickets glauben wir, dass mit eines der besten Dinge an diesem Sport das Potential ist, um Menschen zusammenzubringen. Wir gewinnen und verlieren gemeinsam, und gemeinsam definieren wir die Grenzen der Menschheit neu.

Motorsport ist eine Gemeinschaft und aus diesem Grund arbeiten wir gerne mit tollen Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen zusammen. Wir wollen Geschichten über ihre fantastische Arbeit einem noch größeren Publikum vorstellen und ihnen die Möglichkeit bieten, zusätzliche Spenden zu sammeln.

Die integrierte Spendenfunktion in unserem Bestellvorgang erleichtert es Kunden, bei jedem Motorsport Tickets-Einkauf eine optionale Spende hinzuzufügen.

Unsere Partnerstiftungen

Unsere Partnerstiftungen
Halow Charity Logo

We are delighted to be working with Motorsports Tickets. This partnership will see us take part together on a series of great events all about driving increasing awareness of Learning Disabilities.

The halow project supports young adults (aged 16+) with a learning disability in and around Surrey.

It all begin with Harriet, Amber, Laura, Oliver and William. These young people each have a learning disability and together they were the inspiration of our charity, in fact their initials spell the name halow. Their families were concerned about the children’s prospects and that of other youngster like them and so in 2006 the parents got together with the aim of nurturing young people with disabilities and guiding them towards fulfilled and happy lives. And so the halow project was born.

We are committed to developing creative opportunities and removing social barriers for our young people and currently support over 170 young people with a learning disability. Halow offers a unique blend of activities, giving our young people the chance to enjoy an active social life, make new friends, find further education and employment training through our various initiatives; Building Futures, Social Activities, A Reason To Get Up and the halow Buddy Service.

Helene Williams
Fundraising Manager

To find out more about the great work done by Halow project, click here

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