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Unsere Partnerstiftungen

Unsere Partnerstiftungen

Zusammenarbeit mit Stiftungen

Bei Motorsport Tickets glauben wir, dass mit eines der besten Dinge an diesem Sport das Potential ist, um Menschen zusammenzubringen. Wir gewinnen und verlieren gemeinsam, und gemeinsam definieren wir die Grenzen der Menschheit neu.

Motorsport ist eine Gemeinschaft und aus diesem Grund arbeiten wir gerne mit tollen Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen zusammen. Wir wollen Geschichten über ihre fantastische Arbeit einem noch größeren Publikum vorstellen und ihnen die Möglichkeit bieten, zusätzliche Spenden zu sammeln.

Die integrierte Spendenfunktion in unserem Bestellvorgang erleichtert es Kunden, bei jedem Motorsport Tickets-Einkauf eine optionale Spende hinzuzufügen.

Unsere Partnerstiftungen

Unsere Partnerstiftungen
Mission Motorsport Logo

We are hugely grateful to Motorsports Tickets for selecting us as a charitable partner. With their support, your purchase helps those affected by military operation Race, Retrain, Recover and to enjoy a fulfilling, purposeful and successful life outside of the Military.

Launched in March 2012 to help those affected by military operations by engagement through sport, the charity recognises the astonishing inspirational and healing potential of sport. Motorsport is unique in that the disabled compete against the able bodied on a level playing field. Engineering allows us to adapt the vehicle, not the sport and engages those harder to reach whilst connecting them with opportunities for second careers, beyond the military.

The Forces' Motorsport Charity, whose motto is “Race Retrain Recover” is MoD's competent authority for motor sport as a recovery activity and is a Royal Foundation and Endeavour Fund supported initiative. As a member of the Confederation of Service Charities, Mission Motorsport has an award winning collaborative model of working with government and the other service charities.

Mission Motorsport's Training Wing delivers a range of qualifications enabling service leavers to bridge the gap between military service and careers as civilians, beyond injury. The charity has placed more than 200 Wounded, Injured and Sick service leavers and over 2,000 veterans into employment through the charity’s programs.

James Cameron
CEO & Founder

To find out more about the great work done by Mission Motorsport, click here

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